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For a romantic stay in the center of Venice, choose Casa alla Fenice, a guest house in a typical Venetian historic building, in the heart of the city. Discover the rooms of the structure and book a dream holiday in the center of Venice.



Casa alla Fenice

Casa Alla Fenice 5
Tranquil oasis in the heart of Venice
Casa Alla Fenice 6

Casa alla Fenice's strategic location, a crossroads between Piazza San Marco, Ponte di Rialto, and Ponte dell'Accademia, allows you to easily reach major attractions while enjoying the tranquility of a secluded calle.

Discover the city's charms, enveloped in the romantic silence of calli at dusk and awaken to the murmur of a waking Venice.

Discover the rooms
Casa Alla Fenice 7
Double Room on the Ground Floor
Casa Alla Fenice 15
Queen Room
Casa Alla Fenice 20
Double Room
Casa Alla Fenice 28
Deluxe Room

Refined hospitality


Steps Away from Teatro La Fenice in Venice!

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